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By admin | October 29, 2004

by Ted Smith
From Cannabis Digest Fall 2004 (Issue #4).

After waiting almost four years, I am possibly going to have a trial regarding my arrest on Nov 15, 2000 at an annual pot cookie giveaway.

The reasons for the delay are complicated, and some speculate that further delays will prevent justice from being served Nov 8 and 9, when this trial is scheduled to occur. These delays will not have my charges thrown out because I am using several constitutional arguments against the law and have waived my right to due process in order to see the fight through to the end. Ironically, Nov 8 is also the anniversary of the first time I was arrested, which occurred on Nov 8, 2000. That trial has still not happened, though it is scheduled for early Jan.

When I started pot cookie giveaways on International Medical Marijuana Day in 1999, I felt very strongly that I had conceived an excellent measure to challenge the law.

While I cannot give away our arguments prematurely, I can say that I have a member of the CBC, who is a dear friend, ready to testify how cookies benefit her and why she was ready to support my actions, and Dr. James Geiwitz will educate the judge about the medical properties of cannabis and the studies done on it�s impact.

No matter what decision the judge reaches in the cookie trial, there is little doubt that appeals will be taken to higher levels of court. Anyone able to help will legal defense funds should purchase a CANNABOND from the club or off the web page.

Topics: Articles, CD-4th, Fall 2004 | Comments Off

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