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Making CBC of C Cannoil

By Hempology | March 7, 2008

The cannabis plant is extremely interesting in that 2/3 of its chemical makeup is inactive until heated. This is why the main way of ingesting cannabis continues to be smoking. Heating cannabis increases its potency and is the reason that you don’t get high if you make a cannabis salad (unless you toast your buds first). You don’t want to expose it to too high or prolonged a temperature, or you start to destroy its active chemicals.

The easiest way to convert THC-acid and CBD-acid into active THC and CBD is to spread your cannabis evenly on a cookie sheet and heat to 250 F for 30 minutes.

Then cook the cannabis in butter or oil in a double boiler for 30 minutes to 1 hour to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material.

One ounce of good leaf cooked into 1 cup of oil will make 25 cookies, and ¼ ounce of bud will make 150 cookies.

Add into your favourite recipe, trying to keep the cooking temperature under 300 F and around an hour or less.

It’s time to reveal the secret ingredient! LECITHIN! That’s right, lecithin. It comes from soybeans, eggs, corn, wheat and nuts. You can get it in liquid or powder for baking (also great for greasing your muffin tins with), or in capsules as a supplement. Lecithin is found in all living cells of the human body. It aids the body’s use of fats and oil-soluble vitamins by emulsifying them to a form we can use. This is why we add it to our cannabis baking, to help our bodies use all the Cannoil. Lecithin breaks up cholesterol to help prevent Arteriosclerosis. Lecithin is essential to a healthy nervous system as it is found in higher concentrations in the Myelin sheath, (the fatty protective coating of the nerves) so you can see how it will help things like Multiple Sclerosis and White Finger. A type of Super Lecithin (lecithin combined with other nutrients) has been found to arrest Alzheimer’s disease. It can also restore memory banks, prevent gallstones from forming and lower you blood pressure. A lack of lecithin can cause forgetfulness, nausea, and intolerance to fats, high blood pressure, joint and muscle problems such as bursitis, cramps and soreness.

Oils may be combined for specific uses as most plants work synergistically (better together). Our skin is our largest organ and is capable of absorbing medicine as well as expelling waste. It makes sense to apply medicine directly to the site of need whenever possible. In this day and age this is a very viable form of application because most people using a North American diet have compromised digestive systems.

Cannaplasts are a poultice made of recycled plant material produced in the making of cookies and oils, wrapped in new cheesecloth. They are applied directly to insect stings and bites, varicose veins, sore joints and muscles. They relieve arthritic inflammation and rheumatic pains. Cannaplasts may also be used to help sore or inflamed eyes, pull sties and alleviate pinkeye. They are warmed and place upon upset or cramping stomachs, irritable bowels, or used for menstrual cramps.

Also use on broken bones, sprains, strains and bursitis, for appropriate lengths of time.

They work best if you apply some massage oil first.

Cannabis can be used to replace almost any type of allopathic medicine, from diuretics to anti-depressants – ear oil to throat sprays, and salves to reduce tumours. Extracts have been found to be effective on everything from bacteria and fungi, to the herpes virus and staphylococcus that are resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics. You can virtually make medicine from every part of the noble cannabis plant, be it male or female, kola, root or seed. That one of the planet’s most precious plants is still oppressed must be one of our society’s greatest travesties.

Topics: CD-14th, Summer 2007, Recipes | Comments Off

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