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MU NORML says marijuana policy unfair

By Hempology | September 17, 2007

The Maneater, MO Edu
11 Sep 2007
Gwen Daniels


The group to target the campus policy against marijuana.

MU NORML is hoping to make some changes on campus this year.

MU NORML, which is the campus chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, met Sept.  6 to discuss plans and potential changes for the upcoming school year.  Almost 60 students attended.

The national organization advocates responsible recreational and medicinal use of marijuana, and supports the growth of industrial hemp, the fibrous non-psychoactive strain of cannabis used in canvas, rope and cloth, according to its Web site.

“To put it very plainly, we want to end the prohibition of marijuana,” MU NORML treasurer Paul Weber said.

This year, MU NORML plans to target the campus policy against marijuana.  According to the M-Book, MU’s list of its policies and rules, a student found with marijuana can face disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.  The smell of marijuana is considered sufficient evidence for disciplinary procedures.  The police can also be called to search individuals and their residence hall rooms. 

If arrested, a student can face criminal penalties including fines up to $20,000 and imprisonment, the M-Book stated.

MU NORML seeks a marijuana policy that is “identical to alcohol policy,” Weber said.

Students found in possession of alcohol are asked to pour it out and attend an alcohol responsibility course.

“With pot, you could dump it out and step on it, or flush it down the toilet,” Weber said.

MU NORML president Scott Lauher said he believes the negative effects of alcohol are greater than the negative effects of marijuana.

“It’s silly that people who are vomiting in the dorms are getting slapped on the wrist, but the people who are just playing video games are getting arrested,” Lauher said.

The group plans to work with the Department of Residential Life and the Missouri Students Association, and it plans to introduce a bill in the MSA Senate.  Members said they hope to hold a demonstration in the Speakers Circle to garner support, Weber said.

Weber said he expects encouragement from the town of Columbia, which has backed marijuana law reform in the past.

In 2004, the City Council and Columbia voters approved Proposition 1, which allows seriously ill adults to use marijuana under the supervision of a physician, and Proposition 2, which decriminalizes marijuana so that those found in possession of less than 35 grams incur only fines, community service or counseling.

Columbia is the only city in Missouri with medical and decriminalized marijuana laws, Weber said.

MU NORML also sponsors education-based “Know Your Rights” events twice a semester.  At these meetings, students can watch the educational film “Busted,” which outlines the rights and responsibilities of the accused and attend a question-and-answer session with an American Civil Liberties Union attorney.

In addition, MU NORML expects to host a one-day conference featuring marijuana-reform activists later in the semester.

MU NORML member Evan Groll said he encourages interested students to get involved.

“An important key to NORML’s success is the open environment of ideas and resources,” he said.  “As an organization, we don’t preach ‘what to do’ or ‘how this is going to be.’ NORML is big on providing an open forum for discussing ideas on ways to combat the drug war and other related issues.”

For meeting times and other information, visit the MU NORML Web site at

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