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Updates, Warnings and Suggestions, by Gayle Quin

By Hempology | April 9, 2006

The 10th Anniversary was lots of fun with great music and dancing .The night was dark and stormy as is usual for January, so the turnout was small, the food was fantastic, and enough was made from the raffle {besides a lot of happy winners} to cover the cost of the rent for the hall. Everyone went home tired, full, happy and high!
Members of the club have been speaking with his honour, Mayor Alan Lowe and city council, and although the cogs of government turn slowly they do turn. Mayor Lowe has requested action from the federal government in regard to the MMAD program. Many people are very unhappy with what the Federal Government has come up with, including where 5.6 million dollars worth of research funds went. The only thing shown thus far is cannabis nobody wants to smoke. This is still a very emotional topic for many others and myself. The governments of this land have been known to show (and hide) many faces, and can be rather fickle. In some cases, people who have had their licence to grow medicine have had their renewal requests not go through on time and the local police come in to arrest them. With insensitivity like that, who would not want apply? As well as statistics stating over 1 million Canadians need access to medicinal cannabis, and only slightly over 1 thousand being able to access so far-it seems there is room for improvement. Why do we not promote self-care and healing???

Topics: CD-9th, Spring 2006 | Comments Off

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