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Archive for December, 2004

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Poll-Shocked US Democrats Take Interest In Canada.

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

AP , Seattle Nov 16, 2004 IDEOLOGICAL IMMIGRATION?: A Canadian Web site has received thousands of more hits from the US than it normally gets since the Nov. 2 presidential election

3 Ontario Men Indicted On Marijuana Charges.

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

The Buffalo News Dec 02, 2004. Three Ontario men were indicted by a federal grand jury Wednesday for allegedly transporting 450 pounds of hydroponic marijuana over the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge into the United States.

City Approves Medical Marijuana Dispensary.

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

Mountain Democrat By Jonathan Schwarzberg Nov. 25, 2004. The Placerville City Council approved a permit for the city’s first medical marijuana dispensary Tuesday night, but only if the federal government agrees to allow the use of this drug.

Marijuana Is No Rx.

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

Investor’s Business Daily Dec 2, 2004. The Law: The Supreme Court has once again heard arguments in a case involving so-called medical marijuana. And once again, compassion for the sick and dying is being exploited by those with another agenda.


Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

Here is Ted’s court affidavit followed by his BIO, Constitutional Question Notice and a letter to the City of Victoria Police in 1997.

Cannabis Doubles Risk of Psychosis For Some Smokers.

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

By Nigel Hawkes, Health Editor Dec 01, 2004 Cannabis use once or twice a week almost doubles the risk of suffering psychotic symptoms in later life, a study has found.

Doobie, Doobie Do: a Time Not Out of Joint.

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

Rex Murphy Nov 27, 2004. Social pressure accounts for the decline of smoking. It is surely not the risible Health Canada public-service messages, or the extravagantly inane scare pictures on cigarette packs, that have worked. These latter are wildly over the top.

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