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Legalization of Marijuana

By Hempology | June 9, 2003

By Aaron Barington

Member, Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs of Canada

To start, there are many myths and lies about marijuana as well as truths.
I’m not writing solely on my own opinions but I will be adding my own

It was first illegalized not because of health issues but because the lumber
industry, as well as the rope industry, was more interested in money than
aobut our economic state. They joined up for one purpose, to get rid of the
competition, hemp. Unfortunately marijuana was a family member of the hemp
strain. Hemp is a very useful plant; it can be used to make paper and rope.
It also makes a better quality of paper and rope. If hemp were used to make
paper and rope we wouldn’t have some of the economic problems we have now.
For example, hemp instead of trees could be used to make paper and money.
It is cheaper and a whole let less damaging on our forests.

Hemp instead of plastic could be used to make rope. It makes a stronger and
finer quality of rope than plastic does and if it goes up in flames it won’t
pollute the air as much as plastic does.

Religion also had a part in the illegalization of marijauna; their ideas
on the drug were as follows.

  1. It was turning their fine upstainding blind-believer’s into thinkers,
    questions and doubts were popping up everywhere.

  2. The use of marijuana was also making the young ladies marry the trash of
    our society, in their opinion, and

  3. They didn’t read anywhere in the good book that marijuana wasn’t evil,
    well, they didn’t read anywhere in the good book that is was

The fight on this not so harmful drug has cost the government over $400
billion in US currency and more in Canadian currency. Instead of using this
money to come down on grow-ops it could be used to make grow-ops. This drug
could be sold in convienence stores around the world. Many states and
countries would be quickly cleared of debt.

The drug policies that the world has been following for decades have been a
complete disaster. It has cost huge amounts of money and time. Police could
be busting a maker of bombs or cocaine instead of busting a grow-op.
Tapayers are spending $27,000 per year for the incarceration of one inmate.
80% of the inmates in our jails are in for marijuana related charges. Why
should all this space be filled up with people who smoke marijuana or sell it,
when that space could be used for people who should be in jail for serious
crimes? Too many criminals have gotten 10 years or less or less for taking the
life of a human being just because there is no room for that person in our

I have heard many sad stories about people who abuse drugs and their lives
fall apart around them, and stories of people who overdose on drugs and
alcohol. I agree that marijuana is a gateway drug, but whether or not a
person opens that gate is up to them. There has never been someone in the
hospital for overdosing on marijuana. In all of mankinds existence there has
never been a report of a death caused by marijauna, yet 400,000 people die
every year from smoking cigarettes, and 125,000 deaths, yearly, from alcohol
related incidents. It is very confusing as to why the government would rather
have two deadly drugs legal than have a nonlethal drug punishable by law.

I am in full agreement that a cigarette is a drug. I have noticed the change
in my perception of the worl daround me after smoking a cigarette, it is
slight but it doesn’t change the fact that it is still there. Alcohol is
even worse. When people are drunk they fight and kill each other over the
simplest things.

Legalizing marijuana will save money, it will save time, and
most importantly it will save room for more serious convictions.

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