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I used to resent people who smoked pot.

By Hempology | April 9, 2002

Tracey May writes:

“In the past I have never liked people who smoke marijauna because of my own ignorance, I guess. It wasn’t until someone used the word herb instead of marajauna that I began to accept the fact that it was a natural remedy and an alternative to mainstream medicine; Certainly a much healthier choice. Imagine that, one word had changed my whole perception on the use of marijauna and it’s benefits….

I still hate the smell of it and wish not to be present when someone is smoking it but now I have learned to accept it as a much safer alternative and I think it should be a personal choice if anyone wants to smoke it for whatever reasons.

I probably wouldn’t of made this change from ignorance to educated unless someone using marijauna for pain hadn’t told me his story. That in turn led me to this website which is a very good thing and an important subject that needs to be told to the public. I probably need to learn a lot more about this herb but for now, knowing this information has made my world a little more safer because at one time I thought all pot smokers were crazy lunatics.

With my new awareness about marijauna I would much rather see it legalized. Besides, it appears that so many people use marijauna any ways. As non-smoker, I would not be offended if it was permitted to be smoked in one’s home or where everyone else is a user.

Well, in the end after reading much written material about the benefits of marijauna I am no longer ignorant, I am learning to be tolerant and understanding.

Good luck guys!

– Tracey May”

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