No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, other than for brief quotes and reviews, unless the person copying the text is stoned (or would like to be) and intends to use the information to bring the system down, or unless you ask permission.

First published in June 1996 by Victoria's Hempology 101 Society, a non-profit society dedicated to educating the public about the industrial, environmental and agricultural advantages of growing hemp and using it as a product, the medicinal and spiritual uses of marijuana and other plants and substances, prohibition, who or what we are up against, and what we need to do, individually and collectively, in order to change the prevailing misconceptions and laws which are suppressing the Tree of Life.

Second edition printed Friday, Jan 28, 2000

Third printing Sunday July 1, 2001





Forward :: Introduction :: Cannabis in History :: Cannabis on the Farm :: Industrial Hemp :: Cannabis as a Medicine ::
:: Counter-Culture Revolution :: Cannabis Today :: Cannabis in the Future :: Contents :: Bibliography :: Buy this Book