Cannabis Buyers' Clubs of Canada

The Cannabis Buyers' Clubs of Canada, Victoria BC, has been providing cannabis products to people with permanent, physical disabilities or diseases since 1996.

Cooking with Cannabis

Our cannabis-infused recipes are created and baked by our staff, and enjoyed by our members.
Now you can make them at home.

Each recipe is created to help remedy or reduce effects of ailments known to benefit from the medicinal factors in both marijuana and hemp.

Making CBC of C Cannoil

The cannabis plant is extremely interesting in that 2/3 of its chemical makeup is inactive until heated. This is why the main way of ingesting cannabis continues to be smoking. Heating cannabis increases its potency and is the reason that you don’t get high if you make a cannabis salad (unless you toast your buds first). You don’t want to expose it to too high or prolonged a temperature, or you start to destroy its active chemicals.

The easiest way to convert THC-acid and CBD-acid into active THC and CBD is to spread your cannabis evenly on a cookie sheet and heat to 250 F for 30 minutes.

Then cook the cannabis in butter or oil in a double boiler for 30 minutes to 1 hour to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material.

One ounce of good leaf cooked into 1 cup of oil will make 25 cookies, and ¼ ounce of bud will make 150 cookies.

Add into your favourite recipe, trying to keep the cooking temperature under 300 F and around an hour or less.

Cooking with Cannoil

The next thing you need to remember is that low heat applies to baking as well. Cookies are baked at 250F for 1/2 hour. Cakes need to bake at the least 300F, so brownies and things like that are usually preferred. 

It's time to reveal the secret ingredient! LECITHIN! That's right, lecithin. It comes from soybeans, eggs, corn, wheat and nuts. You can get it in liquid or powder for baking (also great for greasing your muffin tins with), or in capsules as a supplement. Lecithin is found in all living cells of the human body. It aids the body's use of fats and oil-soluble vitamins by emulsifying them to a form we can use.

This is why we add it to our cannabis baking, to help our bodies use all the Cannoil. Lecithin breaks up cholesterol to help prevent Arteriosclerosis. Lecithin is essential to a healthy nervous system as it is found in higher concentrations in the Myelin sheath, (the fatty protective coating of the nerves) so you can see how it will help things like Multiple Sclerosis and White Finger.

Oils may be combined for specific uses as most plants work synergistically (better together). Our skin is our largest organ and is capable of absorbing medicine as well as expelling waste. It makes sense to apply medicine directly to the site of need whenever possible. In this day and age this is a very viable form of application because most people using a North American diet have compromised digestive systems.

CBC of C Cannaplast

Cannaplasts are a poultice made of recycled plant material produced in the making of cookies and oils, wrapped in new cheesecloth. They are applied directly to insect stings and bites, varicose veins, sore joints and muscles. They relieve arthritic inflammation and rheumatic pains. Cannaplasts may also be used to help sore or inflamed eyes, pull sties and alleviate pinkeye. They are warmed and place upon upset or cramping stomachs, irritable bowels, or used for menstrual cramps. Also use on broken bones, sprains, strains and bursitis, for appropriate lengths of time. They work best if you apply some massage oil first.
Warm Cannaplast by steaming or dry frying over low heat. Keep warm by wrapping with a towel.

Keep cold by applying an ice bag over the Cannaplast, then wrapping with a towel. May contain cannabis butter, olive oil or grape-seed oil.

Drink as much water as possible while using a Cannaplast to assist your body in flushing toxins the Cannaplast may release. 

Tape Cannaplast directly over affected area. (If skin is broken, cover with sterile gauze and put cannaplast on each side of wound). Tape Cannaplast in place for 10 days to 3 weeks to help heal broken bones. (Replace Cannaplast with a fresh one every 23 days.) Sprains and strains may lake longer depending on extent of damage and state of personal health. Apply directly to insect stings and bites, varicose veins, sore joints and muscles. Relieves arthritic inflammation and rheumatic pains. Cannaplast may be used to pull infections. Make size of cannaplast slightly larger than infection, and replace twice a day. Do no! re-use Cannaplast used on infections. Dispose of appropriately.

Store in the freezer between uses. Each Cannaplast may be used several times if it is not applied to infection or directly onto bleeding. (Raw bud is best for this.) For sensitive skin, rub some cannabis massage oil on skin first. If skin is broken, cover with sterile gauze first and arrange the cannaplast as close as possible without getting in the wound. Keep Cannaplast in place with a tensor bandage or first aide tape. Make sure not to impede circulation.

Cannaplasts may also be used to relieve sore or inflamed eyes. Pulls sties and alleviates pinkeye. Warm and place Cannaplast on upset or cramping stomachs, irritable bowels, or menstrual complaints. Cannaplasts may be used to treat Is‘ degree burns and chemical burns not requiring medical attention.2?” and 3'” degree burns should always be seen by your doctor. Cannaplasts are an excellent muscle relaxant and provides superior pain relief, including migraines. May be used with your regular pain medication.

Cannabis can be used to replace almost any type of allopathic medicine, from diuretics to anti-depressants – ear oil to throat sprays, and salves to reduce tumours. Extracts have been found to be effective on everything from bacteria and fungi, to the herpes virus and staphylococcus that are resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics. You can virtually make medicine from every part of the noble cannabis plant, be it male or female, kola, root or seed. That one of the planet’s most precious plants is still oppressed must be one of our society’s greatest travesties.

CBC of C Cannabutter

When baking with cannabutter, select recipes that need short cooking times on a low heat (like cookies), or else cannabinoids will break down while cooking.

This recipe allows one to take a relatively small concentration of THC and turn it into ten swift kicks in the ass. I use an average ratio of about 3/4 of an Oz. of shake, leaf, schwag, and general shite to a pound of superdank pot butter. 

One must use only the finest unsalted butter in this process, as additives in the butter are an insult to cow kind in general and simply abhorrent in my opinion.

Heat the butter ever so gently on medium heat in a double boiler until it has melted. Add a relative amount of powdered buds and/or leaf.

Next stir in 1/2 teaspoon of salt to facilitate osmosis. Cook on a low heat as long as desired (the longer the better, but only about a half hour is required).

Once you've fully cooked your butter turn the heat off but leave it on the double boiler. Stir in 2 tbsp. of liquid soya lecithin until it has fully dissolved into the butter.

Set up a second bowl or pot in which you would like to keep your butter until you use it. Line the inside of the second bowl with a layer of double-thick cheesecloth. Pour the butter over the cheesecloth and strain vigorously until you can strain no more.

Set the butter to cool in the fridge and use it to enlighten you and alleviate pain, stress and sickness.

CBC of C Hemp Milk

Hemp seeds are the most-balanced source of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. The body cannot produce these EFA's so they have to be taken in with the foods we eat. However, when foods are processed, their EFA's lose their nutritional value and even become toxic. Hemp milk also has a strong digestible protein profile, is a good source of iron and contains no trans fat. Hemp seed has no psychoactive properties but hemp oil is the best fat to promote efficient assimilation of THC and other beneficial cannabinoids.

Mix 1/4 - 1/2 cup of hemp hearts with one cup of water and let soak over night.

Blend on med. high, or with a hand blender until a smooth consistency.

Strain if desired and dilute with up to another cup of water. More hemp hearts make milk thicker and tasty.

Add vanilla, honey, or other flavourings to taste. Enjoy!
Store in a glass jar in the fridge. Use within a couple of days.

CBC of C Poppy Pot

They are not only delicious, but made with a cold infused process, with bud stalk soaked in extra virgin olive oil for 1 month. It has never been heated in the extraction process and so seems to have an exceptional clarity of the head to the stone, while also having great pain killing and muscle relaxing qualities.

You may make your own crispy squares by using any rice crispy square recipe and substituting Cannoil for the butter or margarine in the recipe. Don't forget to use lecithin also to help with the absorbency of the THC and CBD's in the oil.

4 cups freshly popped corn lightly salted, 1 cup nuts, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon lecithin, 1/3 cup pot butter or Cannoil, 1/2 cup corn syrup (light), 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.

Put popcorn and nuts in shallow roasting pan (large pan).

In a heavy saucepan mix sugar, lecithin and corn syrup. Stir over medium heat until boiling. Continue boiling 5 min. without stirring.

 Remove from heat; add vanilla, pot butter or Cannoil, baking soda, and mix well.

Pour over popcorn and nuts; stir to coat well. Stir several times while cooling to keep from sticking together too much. Cool, break apart and store in tightly covered container. Cool on lightly buttered pan. Makes about 4 cups.

CBC of C Budda Balls

First you put 4 cups of Rolled Oats, 3 cups of coconut, 1 1/2 cups unsalted raw or roasted Sunflower Seeds, 3 cups Soy Protein Concentrate, and 4 tbsp. Hemp protein.

Mix thoroughly and then make a bowl shape with the mix. Add 1 cup cannabis infused olive oil and Cannabis butter (recipe for Cannabutter below).

Mix until it becomes small doughy balls, no powder should be left. Add 400g natural wild honey and finish mixing thoroughly.

Roll into balls 2.5-3cm. (11/2") in diameter. Put a cup ground almonds on a plate, coat the surface of the balls to harden the surface and not loose the oil.

Quick and Easy Cannabutter

Fill a 6- to 8-litre pot 1/3 full with densely packed herb leaf of choice. Fill remainder of pot with cool water and bring the whole to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes.

Strain out and discard water but return leaf to pot. Replenish with clean water.

Bring pot to boil. Add 2 lbs. of butter and mix. Lower heat and let simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally (add water if necessary).

Strain out liquid into bowl using a fine strainer (nylons work too). Squeeze butter out of remaining loaf. Discard strained leaf.

Put liquid into refrigerator over night. Butter will separate from water and form a hard crust on surface of liquid.

Lift out butter crust and put in a large mixing bowl. Discard liquid. Cream and fold butter using a large metal or wooden spoon.

Butter is ready to use as-is. Will keep in freezer up to three months.

Quick and Easy Cannoil

Heat one cup of olive oil to just below simmering (don't let it boil).

Add an equal measure of herb leaf of choice. Stir and let the herb heat up for 30 minutes.

Strain through cheese cloth, let oil cool down. Product is ready to use.

Store in fridge. For stronger product, heat the oil as described above, then transfer oil and herb to heated crock pot and keep cooking on low heat overnight or up to two days, then strain it off and discard leaf.

The Art of Making Honey Oil 

To start, the bud should be gently broken into individual components  (leaves/resin sacks/stems). Do not use scissors or a coffee grinder to do this, as this will break the cell walls in the pot plant and release chlorophyll faster. Chlorophyll is the green coloring in all plants; it is what they use to get energy from the sun. It tastes bad and gives you a headache when you smoke it. Use your hands to gently pull the pot apart.

Make sure all sources of ignition are gone! Pilot lights, candles, engines, joints, cigarettes, and hot coals can all be dangerous during this phase!

Place the broken up pot into the jar. Add iso to it till it just covers the pot, try to use as little as possible.

Swish/shake gently around for only a 10-20 seconds, if you do it too long the chlorophyll will be released (it is also alcohol soluble but releases slower). Holding the pot in with something (NOT ALUMINUM!!!!)

Pour the alcohol out into another clean container. Observe the color, it should be a golden yellow, very clear with possibly a few little green plant bits floating in it.

Continue repeating the above process until the alcohol is either clear or green,  collecting all the yellow iso together. (You want to stop as soon as you see green iso, it really affects the potency and taste. Clear iso just means more to cook off and waste.)

Next, to filter the solid plant particles out with a coffee filter  (even the crystals themselves will be filtered, as they are merely a holding shell for the thc), just pour it through the filter into another clean container.

Wash the bowl with a small amount of isopropanol. Pour the contents of the filtered container back into the bowl; it is now time to evaporate the iso.

This is where it gets really dangerous if you mess around!

Make certain that there are no sources of ignition! Do this outside if possible (if not make sure you are in a well ventilated environment). Also, wear gloves or oven mitts if you fear being burned a bit by the rising steam you will encounter.

Place a pan of hot tap water on the stove (not gas stove!!) set on 'low'. Place the bowl with the solution onto the water. You will notice the alcohol evaporates fast, and a cloud of vapors should form over it,  gently blow the vapours towards a window or ventilation fan occasionally.

Try not to inhale these fumes, they can make you dizzy, or even pass out. If the iso ever begins boiling, take the bowl off of the water for a while, and turn the stove down, if possible.

You will yield more oil if you use a smooth surface, the evenly curved 'side' of the bowl (the part that isn't the bottom) is best, so angle the bowl if possible, even propping it up (carefully, and well, so it wont fall, and also observing that you don't tilt it too much, as water may get in!). Using the side of the bowl near the beginning of the cooking process is less necessary, as there is more iso, which will hold the thc until you cook some iso off.

Once you start to notice a film being left behind, it is best to quickly switch to the side of the bowl. (If you happen to have a stainless steel DOME, you need not worry about nasty edges that are hard to get at with a card).

Eventually most of the alcohol will waft away, leaving a small puddle, with a thin oil film around it. The puddle still has iso left in it, while the film is probably a bit caramelized, or hardened (experience and practice will teach you to move the bowl around occasionally to wet down the dry parts, and thin out the puddle in the middle, but be careful not to spread the iso/oil too far, as it will be harder to harvest later).

While the bowl is still warm, rotate it to move the small puddle to the outer regions of where the oil has collected, wetting it, but not spreading it further, as described above in brackets.

Once the puddle is spread out a bit and cooled for a few seconds, it will become less liquidly, and stick to a larger area on the bowl: dip it in the hot water briefly, blowing gently as you do so. You should see very distinct rippling patterns from the iso evaporating  (not wind ripples from breath).

The former puddle that you dispersed into a larger surface area will re-liquefy and puddle again, repeat until ripples stop completely, signifying that there is (hopefully) no iso left.

Actually tasting a small blob is a good way to tell if it is iso-free: pure honey oil has almost no taste, kind of like vegetable oil, but will eventually make your tongue tingle. Iso is bitter and has a bite similar to hard alcahol, but much harsher and stronger. (If you're not sure, but think it's clean, touch the lip of the iso bottle then your tongue - did the oil taste like that at all? if not it's safe).

To collect the film of oil, I (whoever 'I' is) use the shortest end of a credit/bank card. starting on the outside edge somewhere, keep the card still and spin the bowl, gradually working your way inward like a zamboni, scraping it all into a blob in the middle, then tilt the bowl so the oil dumps onto the card. VOILA!! with practice it will pass for real honey!!


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Cannabis Buyers' Clubs of Canada

Victoria, BC, Canada